Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thomas Jefferson Eliminated?

I came across this story about the board of education in Texas. There is an effort to get Thomas Jefferson out of the history books, because he was not guided enough by Christian beliefs. He is going to be replaced by the man from John Calvin, from the reformation. This is just ridiculous. He was the write of the Declaration of Independence, one of the greatest documents in American history. He was a product of the enlightenment and was for the separation of church and state.

The fact that people can take out one of the FOUNDING FATHERS from American History for the entire state of Texas is completely insane in my point of view. If it weren't for Jefferson, Texas may not have even come into existence. Another thing that I find disturbing is that the Texas schoolbooks are used in other states as well. I am worried for the next generation of voters and politicians who are uninformed about one of the greatest men in history and the decisions they will make for our country.

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