Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Don't ask, Don't Tell"

So, the government is thinking about lessening the "don't ask don't tell policy" that is such a huge part of the perception of America from other countries. I think the fact that people can risk their lives for the nation, but we cannot let them tell us if they love other people of the same sex is disgusting. I feel like the much of congress is removed enough from the violence and death that occurs in war, and feels the need to be unfairly selective when it comes to sending people out to defend their home.
Personally, I think that the members of the army should be allowed to love whoever they want if they are risking their lives for ours, and that we do not have a right to stop them from defending us. The people standing in the way of the repealing of this bill need to rethink what America is and what is stands for. Equality and fairness.

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