Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Getting Votes.

This PBS clip is about the Democrats trying to round up the votes necessary for getting the health care bill. John Boehner states that reconciliation should not be allowed to pass this bill, but the Republicans have used this technique several times in the past as well.

One thing I picked up on both in this video and while watching the summit is that the Republicans often use the same words and phrases to describe what should be done. Some of these include "start over", "clean sheet of paper", and "step by step approach". These phrases, repeated over and over again get into people's head and stick. I don't think this is OK. I feel like the people who are saying this are just told what to say and don't think for themselves. Another "technique" I have found the Republican's use is that they say the American people are against reform. Personally, I do not think this is true. I find that it is more against their political alignment than their constituent's view they are representing in Congress.

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