Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Why so crowded?

According to the report issued by the United States population Divson, published on March , 2007, in the next 42 years, the population will increase by about 2.5 billion. That is about 30% of the current population.
Today, we hear of overpopulation increasing poverty in third world nations, while the population in developed nations continue to decrease. This means that while the first world nations continue to help decrease their population, the poverty around the world will go up.
I think that something needs to be done about this. Birth control should be made more readily available to the citizens of the poorer nations, as it is not widely provided for at the moment.
This increase is largely due to the popularity and the availability of antibiotics and vaccinations around the world. While the science should continue to help save lives, action needs to be taken to combat this serious issue.

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