Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lockerbie bombing forgiven?

In 1988, a flight traveling from the UK to the US was bombed while flying over Lockerbie. The man responsible for the bombing, Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, is being released because of his terminal illness. the debate surrounding this topic is the morality of this decision. Mr Megrahi is responsible for 970 fatalities, including several deaths.

Personally, I think that Mr Megrahi should not be released. He is the reason that many people's lives were ruined and even ended, and he should serve his sentence. One of the major reasons for this conclusion is the thoughts of the families of those that were killed. It was resolved that Mr Megrahi goes to jail for 27+ years in prison, serving justice. Whether the families thought that 27+ years was long enough for Mr Megrahi to serve, it was decided and most likely, eventually accepted. On the other hand, one may claim that, if he was to be retained in jail, the government would be 'stooping to his level', which I do not agree with.

Thanks for reading!!

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