Sunday, September 6, 2009

health care... state faire edition.

I thought that this video summed up the health care debate in a short and understandable manner. People know that there is a debate going on about health care, but they don't necessarily know what it is about.

I think that America should "kill the pig" (that sounds terrible, I know, but it makes sense after you have watched the video), which is basically just reforming our health care and making it available to all people. The foundation of our country is giving people the three unalienable rights; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. According to John Locke's theories, if the government violates any of these (in his terms, the pursuit of happiness was land, but I believe that they are basically the same thing to Americans), the citizens have the right to rebel, which is what is currently going on. I believe that the right of 'life' includes health care, and that the extreme costs that come from the lack of effective health care violates the 'pursuit of happiness'.

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