Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Airlines are Going Green

Today, carbon footprints are a major part of the global warming issue. The airplane industry seems to have grasped on to the fact that steps need to be taken towards reducing the size of the 'footprints' left by vowing to cut the emissions by 50% by 2050. While this date may seem far-fetched, I think that the gradual reductions of harmful emissions will be highly beneficial in the long run.
Apparently, the plan is to reduce the emissions 1.5% each year for the next few decades. Right now, the airplane industry is responsible for 2% of the worlds CO2 emissions,
It think that the airplane industry is setting a good example for other industries, and that the airlplane industry should be the beginning of a long chain of reforms implemented by the UN in order to save the world from its untimely death.

Thanks for reading!!

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