Thursday, September 24, 2009

Georgia Floods

I know that I may not have time to watch the news, but since when did sites like Yahoo start putting up trivial facts, like "19 LB BABY!!" on their front page when there is a flood in Georgia that seems to have affected many people in ways so much more important than a fat baby.

I believe that this shows the negative transformation occurring on our society. While I feel like the "world crisis" has developed a new generation of people who know what is going on around them and how to be able to fix it, as well as the people who just don't care about anyone else's suffering but their own.

House Prices Falling Again

Once again, the house prices in America seem to be falling once more. For our economy this means that either the economy is once more delving into turmoil, or that the recovery of the economy cannot be achieved without any imperfections.

"We suspect it is just a temporary blip in the improving trend rather than a sign of renewed weakness," said Paul Dales, US economist"

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Worldwide Disarmament- but not quite.

Disarmament seems like a really great idea to most people in today's society. I generally agree with this statement, and it seems like a really good idea until you think about the fact that there is virtually no way that the countries that we have the most potential to engage in nuclear warfare with would not give up their technology.
To me, it seems not only unfair, but also slightly naive to diffuse most, if not all, of our nuclear weapons while other countries continue building up their store of nuclear weapons.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Airlines are Going Green

Today, carbon footprints are a major part of the global warming issue. The airplane industry seems to have grasped on to the fact that steps need to be taken towards reducing the size of the 'footprints' left by vowing to cut the emissions by 50% by 2050. While this date may seem far-fetched, I think that the gradual reductions of harmful emissions will be highly beneficial in the long run.
Apparently, the plan is to reduce the emissions 1.5% each year for the next few decades. Right now, the airplane industry is responsible for 2% of the worlds CO2 emissions,
It think that the airplane industry is setting a good example for other industries, and that the airlplane industry should be the beginning of a long chain of reforms implemented by the UN in order to save the world from its untimely death.

Thanks for reading!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Why so crowded?

According to the report issued by the United States population Divson, published on March , 2007, in the next 42 years, the population will increase by about 2.5 billion. That is about 30% of the current population.
Today, we hear of overpopulation increasing poverty in third world nations, while the population in developed nations continue to decrease. This means that while the first world nations continue to help decrease their population, the poverty around the world will go up.
I think that something needs to be done about this. Birth control should be made more readily available to the citizens of the poorer nations, as it is not widely provided for at the moment.
This increase is largely due to the popularity and the availability of antibiotics and vaccinations around the world. While the science should continue to help save lives, action needs to be taken to combat this serious issue.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Recession Exceeding Expectations.

How much longer will the recession continue to amaze the American economists? Will it ever get better?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

SuperFerry Sinking

In today's news, there are virtually no stories about sinking ships. However, in the Philippines, a Ferry with around about 900 people capsized, and 9 of those people died, while two people are still missing. It is apparent, however that many US news casters do not focus majorly on these types of issues; last year, a similar catastrophe occurred, but in that instance, about 800 people drowned.

Smart Choices?

LinkApparently these new food labels have been causing much controversy over the last few months. People say that they are misleading and just a good way to market cereals and other foods that are consumed by families, such as macaroni and cheese and kid cuisine.

One thing I noticed about the labels is that they are not comprehensive. For example, the amount (or lack) of protein is not featured on the front of the box, which can be misleading. Also, the company title can also be misleading. It looks as though the Smart Choices Program has a foundation in a trusted company, that is well known for good judgment, while in actuality, it is just a major company that decides to label a certain container.

health care... state faire edition.

I thought that this video summed up the health care debate in a short and understandable manner. People know that there is a debate going on about health care, but they don't necessarily know what it is about.

I think that America should "kill the pig" (that sounds terrible, I know, but it makes sense after you have watched the video), which is basically just reforming our health care and making it available to all people. The foundation of our country is giving people the three unalienable rights; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. According to John Locke's theories, if the government violates any of these (in his terms, the pursuit of happiness was land, but I believe that they are basically the same thing to Americans), the citizens have the right to rebel, which is what is currently going on. I believe that the right of 'life' includes health care, and that the extreme costs that come from the lack of effective health care violates the 'pursuit of happiness'.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lockerbie bombing forgiven?

In 1988, a flight traveling from the UK to the US was bombed while flying over Lockerbie. The man responsible for the bombing, Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, is being released because of his terminal illness. the debate surrounding this topic is the morality of this decision. Mr Megrahi is responsible for 970 fatalities, including several deaths.

Personally, I think that Mr Megrahi should not be released. He is the reason that many people's lives were ruined and even ended, and he should serve his sentence. One of the major reasons for this conclusion is the thoughts of the families of those that were killed. It was resolved that Mr Megrahi goes to jail for 27+ years in prison, serving justice. Whether the families thought that 27+ years was long enough for Mr Megrahi to serve, it was decided and most likely, eventually accepted. On the other hand, one may claim that, if he was to be retained in jail, the government would be 'stooping to his level', which I do not agree with.

Thanks for reading!!