Wednesday, February 17, 2010


One thing that I find incredibly irritating is an ultimatum. To me it's just a way of putting of the inevitable and a somewhat polite way of asking someone to step down from any argument or stance a person takes. When it angers me the most is when the ultimatum affects other people's lives. It is just an immature way of taking advantage of someone. So you can imagine when I saw that some Republicans are making claims that they will not attend the health care summit unless the health care bill was scrapped, I was not pleased. To me it is a cheap trick to delay reform and take rights that people deserve away just to say in office the extra year or to make yourself more comfortable. An ideal politician (in my view) would put the lives and rights of the people of their nation above all else, which is what the Republican party needs to do.

Health Care=Eugenics?

Ok, so I take Biotechnology and we just covered the Eugenics movement that occurred in the 20th century, when people were sterilized and thrust out of society because of their physical and mental abilities. Beck says that Canada has started euthanasia because they have health care. What he fails to mention is the context in which euthanasia is allowed. I looked this up on the internet and could not find anything on this topic, so I am not sure what this law was passed for. The articles I found were published about a year ago about assisted suicide, so I don' t know the legitimacy of this claim.

From what I have found in my studies of the eugenics movement is that those who supported it resembled many of the radical republicans that are around today. They wanted an "America for Americans" and were obsessed with keeping a constant status quo. I think that this is one of those things that are just made up because they can be considered "scientific" and seem like they have a solid argument.

Health Care Summit

It has been announced that there will be a bipartisan health care summit on the 27th. I think that this is a very good idea. It has become apparent to all Americans that this has become a huge issue, and it must be resolved if any other changes are going to be made. People need to see that changes and efforts are being made to resolve this issue in order to keep believing that their system works. I think that health care has become more of a show than an issue; both sides of the aisle are using it to push their own agenda and incriminate the other.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Struggle for Health Care Reform

It is no mystery that Obama needs more support if he is to pass the health care bill, but how to do it is the real question. I feel like he needs to present the bill to the American people in a more "American" way, or a way they can understand why they need it. I feel like many are oppose to the prospect of universal health care because they are not well informed on the issue. This can only be fixed through education. While the American people are often set in their views, most are not closed-minded, so with input from those who care about the health care bill getting passed, positive output should be expected.

Health Care

Something in my volunteering at John Muir this week raised a question- What do orphans get as health care? My search on google was not successful. I was not able to find a single article about the medical conditions of orphans. Even after a search of the American Adoption website, I was unable to find any information on this topic.

I am slightly concerned about this fact. America is supposed to take care of its uncared for chilren, but looking all over the internet I can't find simple information of who they go to for medical care

... Since all we need are more budget cuts

I may not be the most economically savvy person, or know exactly how to fix our problems, but I am pretty sure the new budget cuts can not mean anything good for our schools or economy. However silly my belief might be, I feel as though our Governor has not been notified about the declination of our school system in California.

Our once prestigious school will now offer a strained number of AP, art and other elective classes. I am not certain of the way this needs to be fixed, but I am certain that it needs fixing.

Helping Haiti Heal

This video was promoting the Helping Haiti Heal fundraiser which aimed to send three airplanes to Haiti with the names Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Many would view this plan as a stretch and just something a few Harry Potter geeks put on, but it is anything but that. The Helping Haiti Heal (HHH) effort was successful in reaching its $105,000 goal, and was able to raise $110,000 for the relief effort.

I think that this shows the great ability of a few people to come together and make a huge difference in the world.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Although I do not completely agree with this video, I understand where this man gets his frustration and feels the need to express his anger at what the corporations have come to be. He states that all corporations are made ony to make money, which I completely agree with. However, I do not completely see eye to eye with him when he talks about diferent ad campaigns. I do find some of the advertisement platforms contradictory, but I feel as though different brands of the same corporations have a limited freedom to target a certain demographic for their own advertisements.

Take the Dove and Axe example, Dove's "be naturally beautiful" ad campaign is meant to target people who would wear dove, and therefore its advertisement is shifted towards them, while Axe's ads are meant to target young men.