Friday, January 29, 2010

Chris Matthews

OK, so after heading to twitter this morning, I noticed Chris Matthews was a trending topic. After recent events, I quickly came to the conclusion that one of two things that have been happening far to often had occurred: he died or did something incredibly stupid. It was the latter.

He seemed to have forgotten that Obama was black for an hour. I think that this statement has been blown just a little out of proportion. Although it was undoubtedly a racist comment, it must be taken in context. He was commenting on Obama's "gutsyness"in an extremely condescending fashion. It's like Obama is a political Susan Boyle to Matthews, but to a greater extent.

Don't misunderstand me, what Matthews said was unforgivable, but people speak out of turn all the time, and there are more important things for us to focus on in the world right now.

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