Thursday, October 1, 2009

Finally; Doing Something About Distracted Driving

Recently, my cousin was over from England, and she noticed something about our road system, and it went along the lines of "people in America don't know how to drive!" I have to say, I agree. Here in America, our road system is very organized and driver-friendly compared to most other countries in the world. Yet, we still find ways to make it bad; we text, we call people, we turn up the music so loud that people driving on the opposite sides of the freeway can hear us.

Last year, more than 500,000 people were injured and nearly 6,000 were killed in crashes involving inattentive motorists, though it was unclear how many were due to such actions as text messaging.

These seem like trivial and stupid things to harp on but when you look at statistics like that, something needs to be done, and the fact that that the federal government is taking control of a situation like this is something I find somewhat comforting.

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