Thursday, October 29, 2009

Afghanistan Troops

In our class, we discuss Friedman often, and I thought that this was very interesting.

The statements Friedman makes go along with my previous post. It is a person's own responsibility to fight for their rights, and they shouldn't depend on others to do it for them. The second point he makes, regarding peoples reactions seemed very insightful. It is something that is easy to comprehend and to follow, but to come up with the idea is very intriguing. I particularly enjoyed the parallel he makes between the golden gate bridge and America as a whole. We are a symbol of hope, but we are not succeeding in maintaining our reputation. This outlines the importance of the "nation building at home" he mentions.
To be honest, when the subject of Iraq came up, I began to lose interest, but was drawn in when he mentioned the necessity of fixing Iraq to stabilize the Arab-Muslim world.

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