Friday, May 7, 2010


When first logging on to, I find that the site seems to have a greater aura of ruining the Democrat's reputation than it has actual information. The biggest thing I see on the page is a graphic leading to a blog post entitled "Debunking Dems". This graphic fades into another one advertising T-shirts with slogans such as "Fire Pelosi" and "proud conservative". I am not very politically opposed to the Republican platform , but I am opposed to people being so obnoxious as to display their feelings about someone in Washington as they are in office. I would like to make myself clear that I find it just as repulsive when Democrats were wearing t-shirts insulting President Bush while he was in office. I believe that our President is elected by the people and the decisions he makes and the people he appoints should be respected by the American people, even if they are opposed to them.
I find the Republican radicals just as irritating as those who are Democrats. The fact that the Tea Party is incorporated demonstrates one reason with my frustration of the movement. They claim to be a grassroots movement and in alignment with the thoughts of the founding fathers, but I fail to see when the majority of America became accepting of making an intellectual movement a corporation.

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