Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mental Health Break

I found this really interesting.

Health Care is Passed...

I feel relieved that Republican Senator Bob Corker has said that the health care bill is passed for good, and it will not be repealed after the next election. There is no doubt in my mind that health care will not be repealed, but the fact that some of those who do not support it have come to the realization that what's done is done is somewhat comforting to me. It makes me feel less worried about what partisan politics has become in America.
Of course that never stops the conservative right and the Tea Party from trying to convince people otherwise. They have tried to repeal everything from Social Security to Medicare and even the Civil Rights act, and have campaigned on it. But the American people are not THAT stupid.
I agree with this quote because, although there are individuals who say that nothing can be done to change the status of the health care bill, there are still those who are too radical to take anything seriously.

Health Care for Immigrants

What really interested me about this article was the section that introduced and explained what the new health care bill means for immigrants to the United States. One thing that did not surprise me was the fact that illegal immigrants are not covered. Personally, I believe that if someone lives in the United States picks food for consumers for so many hours of the day, they should be able to be a citizen without taking any tests or meeting other requirements. I have looked at "practice questions" for those wishing to become a citizen, and can say very strongly that over 30% of all natural-born American Citizens would be able to pass the test. So, if someone can work hard in our country, I think that we should provide them with coverage and treat them as a citizen, even if that means taxing them; if someone wants to have the benefits of America, they should be treated like a citizen in every way.