Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I think the idea of the COP15 is great, but its voice isn't reaching far enough. Most don't know that this meeting even exists, and the fact that world leaders are taking action and are not being publicizes is slightly irritating. We can all talk about how terrible all these people are and how bad the climate is getting, and how something needs to be done. Now is when things are being done and people are taking action.

People need to know about it, and I'm afraid the front page of YouTube is not the best place to reach the entire population.

Well, that was Anti-Climactic

So, after the drama and stress of the media blowing a new strain of the flu out of proportion, in hindsight, we go: "well, never-mind". While there is a chance that another wave might hit, there is nothing we can do but stop talking about it.

To be honest, I think this story represents the media really well. There is always one huge topic for the "easy chit-chat" category- and in the end, it basically comes to nothing.

I am not saying that these deaths are not terrible incidents, I am merely commenting on the growth and decay of the story as a whole.

Today (well- yesterday, technically) In History

What does Pearl Harbor mean to the country? I think that the sacrifices made are starting to fade into history; everyone knows what day it is, but still, snow in California seems to have been the "buzz" today, not Pearl Harbor. Some people will always remember the day, because they are interested in it, others will continue to move on, and not really take a look back to see what led to the catastrophic event, and how it has impacted.

Reading these veteran's experiences with the attack is interesting; it's from a whole other perspective. Not the newspapers or the people looking on, but the people IN the attack. It can change the whole way you look at the event- it did for me.

McCain on Palin

Today just seems like a day to attack the McCain campaign, and all those associated with it. He talks about her like a father; saying he is proud of Palin and is happy with who she is-- but you can never really tell, because he is obligated to say these things.

One thing I found particularly amusing was the chortle he gave when he was talking about her "irrelevance". I don't think that she is irrelevant, it is just that everyone wishes she was.

Palin's Amazingness Re-Proven!

I found she did this during the debates. She would be asked a question and then answer one that she wanted to, or just try to change the topic. I agree with the commentary after the video; it seems as though she uses big words and familiar phrases to get people to join her, and it is completely ridiculous.

Monday, December 7, 2009