Sunday, November 22, 2009


Some people find this guy really annoying, but I really like what he has to say and how he says it. However, I don't think he is talking literally, he's just saying that there are enough people to cover the costs; and the money people pay now will go into their futures.
I also like how he handles the way that people who oppose the health care bill often look at it: the cheesburger man and the onion man. This situation is so stereotypical; but he puts it in a way that the people who make these stereotypes can understand it.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

No Way! Obama Shows Repect?

Sometimes, things like this make me laugh, and other times I shake my head and hope that there are better people in the world than those who make videos like this. I just see this as a plea. I mean, Obama hasn't been completely amazingly awesome the past 10 months, but he inherited a pretty messed up country.

Obama was showing respect, not surrendering the country to the Japanese.

Friday, November 6, 2009

H1N1 update

While I recognize the fact that the H1N1 virus is a serious issue, I am becoming really annoyed at the volume of update we continue to receive.

Personally, I don't find it surprising that people are scrambling to get vaccinated, nor am I surprised that there is not enough supply to satisfy the demands. By increasing the demand for the vaccination, more money will be made, and the cycle will just continue.

H1N1 is a flu that targets a different group of people, not the black plague, and people need to see that.

Who Needs Equality?

America is known around the world as a free country, who serves "liberty and justice for all". It is the foundation of our society, yet, people seem to continually prove our nation wrong. This is shown by the ban on Gay marriage both in Maine and California.

People are literally PRAYING for others not to have the right to the freedom that is allotted to them the moment they become an American citizen.

One thing that bothers me the most is the minimal effect allowing the proposition to fail would have on those who are heterosexual. I get really ticked off when someone feels they can control the lives and happiness of other people, which is happening right now.

I believe that America has nurtured a new generation of individuals who are socially aware, and when the next voting period comes around, changes will be made.