Friday, August 28, 2009

Cash for Clunkers

So, to me, this is a personal event/news article, because my dad owns some GM dealerships in the bay area, and Hawaii. a few weeks ago, the government started the cash for clunkers (CARS) program.

WASHINGTON – The popular Cash for Clunkers program generated nearly 700,000 new car sales during the past month, giving the U.S. auto industry a badly needed jolt of activity during the deepest decline in auto sales in two decades."

This has helped not only the dealers, but everyone who has a connection to the car business. It has made a huge difference, and helped immenslt. (Or at least I thought so!!)

thanks for reading!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I am looking forward to regularly updating this blog regularly regarding different things I find interesting online, usually pertaining to government and economics.